Two Hands Full

Vessels made to inspire slowing down and celebrating the softer ways of life are the core of Two Hands Full, a Tacoma based pottery studio owned by Amelia Wrede Davis. The origins of Amelia’s brand come from an organic, illustrated logo designed by her mother. Wildern’s focus for the redesign of Amelia’s website was to honor the genesis of her brand while introducing modern design solutions. Through illustration styles inspired by the original logo, Wildern created subtle animations, paired with elegant transitions and a neutral color palette, to create an experience matching the ethos of Amelia’s products and mission.

Living Future

The International Living Future Institute is the authority on green building. The organization is responsible for creating and maintaining content for it’s diverse programs and certifications for users around the world. Wildern designed and developed a robust and forward-thinking, web based, content management solution around WordPress to digitize and organize content past, present and future. Living Future continued to partner with Wildern on additional projects to create unique digital experiences such as an interactive map powered by crowd sourced data and API for their growing database of ecologically responsible building products.

Jojo Wear

Jojo Wear is an affordable and durable children’s clothing brand made to move. Wildern was the creative partner responsible for translating the founders vision and bringing the gender-neutral brand to life. From logo and identity to product design, packaging, photography, and E-commerce store– Wildern designed, directed, and produced the entire collection for Jojo Wear.
